Take Note of Answers – Budget – 11 May 2017

Senator REYNOLDS (Western Australia) (15:11): I too rise to take note of the ministers’ answers on the very fine coalition government’s 2017-18 budget. I commend them for it. I have to say that, in listening to Senator Polley then, all I could think of is that wonderful Monty Python’s Life of Brian skit, ‘What have the Romans ever given us?’ She was exactly like that: ‘What have they given us?’ We have given health care, education, infrastructure—and the list goes on and on and on. The sad thing is—

Senator Polley interjecting


Senator REYNOLDS: I would like to say that I am astounded by the hypocrisy of those opposite, but, unfortunately, and very sadly, I am not. It has become par for the course in this chamber. It would have been farcical if it was not so serious for not only this generation but, at least, the next two generations, who will be paying back the debt that those opposite have incurred for this nation.

As every Australian household and every Australian mum and dad who look after their household budget know, if you want to spend more money you have three options. You increase your income—you take on another part-time job. But, in the case of the Australian taxpayers, we actually then have to increase taxes. So that is option 1. The second one is you borrow more money. The third is you actually have to increase taxes. They are the only three ways. We all know what those opposite do. They promise, promise, promise. With their hand on their hearts, they talk about compassion endlessly. They make promises, but the thing that they always fail to do is fund them. Promises are dirt cheap. They are politically populist and they are easy to do. But actually delivering—

Senator Cameron interjecting


Senator REYNOLDS: Promising and properly funding are what we do on this side. Despite all the ‘Ministry of Truth’s’ alternative truths trotted out by those opposite, let us just go back and remind ourselves of the facts. In 1996, when Labor lost government, they left us and the Australian taxpayers with $96 billion worth of debt. That took the Howard-Castello government 10 years to pay off—10 years of prudent financial management to pay off. In fact, 21 April 2006 was actually the first ever debt-free day. We had very high hopes back then that that would then lead to future governments living within the national means and being fiscally responsible. Sadly, we all know what happened. In 2007, those opposite inherited—and Penny Wong was part of that—not only zero debt but money in the bank. We had money in the bank. We could actually set up the Future Fund.

Senator Duniam: What did you do with it?

Senator REYNOLDS: Exactly, Senator Duniam; what exactly did you do with it? You went on the most recklessly irresponsible spending spree, which will now leave Australians with at least $550 billion worth of debt—five times that that the previous Labor government had left us to pay off. And it took us 10 years to pay that off. Those opposite would have us continue borrowing or raising taxes, trading on the economic security of future Australians so that they can spend today. What have we heard from those opposite? They spend. In the three years that I have been in this place, I cannot recall those opposite ever once suggesting an alternative way of paying for funding and expenditure. Not only that, but we have tried many times in this place to put forward sensible proposals to reduce government expenditure, and what they do? They block, block and block. They do not engage in sensible negotiations to compromise to find a way forward. The people of Australia elected those opposite, as they did those on this side, to take hard decisions and do what is in the best interest of all Australians.

My apologies to George Orwell and his wonderful dystopian classic, but listening to those opposite talking on the budget, and listening to the interjections and to the senator previously, I keep thinking of the Ministry of Truth. Just because you say it does not make it true. Alternative truths have no place in this chamber. (Time expired)

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